Top 12 Non-Traditional Time Management Books
Time Management

I often ask groups I speak to what they think of when they hear the phrase “time management”. Most often I get these kind of responses:
Strict. Rigid. Impossible. Perfectionistic. Helpful. Hard. Not creative. Rules. Discipline. Overwhelming. Etc.
Geez! It’s no wonder we all have a love/hate relationship with time management. We want to be good at it but the idea of employing “good time management” really doesn’t feel that good.
So we read all about these amazing time strategies that we “should” be doing and then beat ourselves up for not doing them.
This is why I deeply believe in an entirely different approach to “time management”. One that:
- Is built on your natural rhythm with time
- Doesn’t make you wrong but rather leverages your strengths.
- Doesn’t worry about the traditional rules of time management.
- Goes far beyond your behaviors to release stuck mindsets and emotions that keep peace of mind at bay.
Which is why I wanted to give you a taste of some of the books that have had a huge impact on my approach to holistic time management. And just for fun I’ve put them in the order that I read them.
How many have you read? What else should I be reading? Be sure to join the conversation on my Facebook page.
- The Comfort Trap by Judith Sills. This is one of the first “change management” books I ever read more than 15 years ago. This book had a profound effect on me and how I have created change in my own life.
- Where to Draw the Line by Anne Katherine. I wish this book was required reading for everyone on this planet. We think we know what it means to set healthy boundaries but often we don’t see even a fraction of the whole story. Boundary-setting is at the heart of any good time management strategy.
- Loving What Is by Byron Katie. Most of us spend our lives fighting against what is – including time. Byron Katie offers a simple process for freeing yourself from the struggle with our thinking that can hold us back from actually enjoying ourselves.
- E-Myth Revisted by Michael Gerber. This book is for business owners exclusively. If you can’t seem to stop working “in” your business instead of “on” your business this is the book for you. It’s concepts and lessons serve entrepreneurs at every stage of the game and give you the perspective necessary to fully step into your role as a leader.
- Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle. A small book filled with brief, gentle reminders that we already have all that we need inside of us. And that by letting the concerns of the past and future drop away we can fully experience the present moment and get the most out of life.
- The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. We all have our own unique love language. How we communicate our love to others. It can save everyone a lot of time and angst if we know how our partners, family, and friends are communication our love to us all the time.
- The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz. OK maybe this one does actually fall into the traditional time management books but it is my favorite so I can’t help include it here. If you still aren’t convinced that energy management (i.e. rest, recovery, etc.) is critical to an organized life you need to read this book first.
- The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion by Christopher Germer. We think we can beat ourselves up into change and yet it has been proven that this only ensures we will stay where we are. A tremendously practical guide on how to shift out of the self-blame game and move yourself towards the life you crave.
- How to Speak Your Mind by Darlene Lancer. I met Darlene a few years ago when we worked on project together. I fell in love with her direct, clear writing and immensely practical tips on strategies in navigating the tricky world of assertiveness, boundaries, and codependency.
- War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Are you trying to get your creative work out into the world only to be stopped by resistance at every turn? Remember that this is part of the process. And get to work. For full on inspiration and motivation read this book immediately.
- Inside Out Revolution by Michael Neill. This is a very important book that offers a fundamental message about the way that life works. The more we can see the gifts of mind, thought, and consciousness the more we can relax in the knowing that something far greater than ourselves is supporting us and that we really don’t have to do it all.
- How to Love. By Thich Nhat Hanh. Part of a lovely “How to” series by the popular Zen Master, Hanh shares the simplicity of what it means to love others, ourselves, and our lives. So much of our rushing around has to do with avoiding what we feel is missing. But when we slow down and connect we have more chance to share our love and receive more in return.
How many have you read? What else should I be reading? Be sure to join the conversation on my Facebook page.
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